Yvette Endrijautzki

4. Juni 20191 Min.

"Mater Dei" aggrandizement

Aktualisiert: 12. Dez. 2019

The 3D print specialised company EXCIT3D from Solingen, near Wuppertal, has been producing quite a lot of amazing gizmos for the Nautilus Studio:

3D printed Mater Deis, a virtual reality Mater Dei, and an augmented reality Mater Dei.

(Like you can see on the picture below.)

For more than a month, the EXCIT3D team has been in the never ending process of scanning the original Mater Dei and writing programs to demonstrate different tangible forms and digital formats at the Nautilus Studio's pre-opening.

The original Mater Dei is a sculpture which Yvette Endrijautzki has created for the international BIOWOMAN exhibit in Duesseldorf, on March 28th, 2019.

Shortly after the exhibit, the EXCIT3D team, a very likeable and down to earth couple, and Yvette have decided to collaborate on many levels.

From that time on, the Mater Dei sculpture has also multiplied in many ways.

A limited edition 3Dprint series of her, handprinted, patinated and signed by the artist, are now available in different sizes at the Nautilus Studio.

(Mater Dei, original, assemblage-sculpture, 2019)

Also a Mater Dei Led Lamp/Light sculpture is in the making....

If you are interested in purchasing a miniature Mater Dei, please contact the Nautilus Studio.

This is a win win situation at its best: two parties teaming up, coming from completely different backgrounds: one is technology and marketing,

the other is art and culture & society.

There will be many adventures on this shared avenue, like a big art exhibit and presentation at the "Solinger Lichternacht", an Art-and Lightshow-Fair coming up September 21st, 2019 at the Südpark, Alexander-Coppel-Straße, 42651 Solingen - Mitte.

We are all EXCIT3D!
