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AutorenbildYvette Endrijautzki

Tremendum Fascinans

Aktualisiert: 12. Dez. 2019

Tremendum Fascinans - an exhibition at True Love Gallery, Seattle, WA- December 8th to January 8th, 2017.

Curated by Don Farrell

is an international exhibit of high imagination, inspired by mystery.

Local, national and international artists penetrate the veil of seeming with fantastic representations of The Unknowable. "The mystery of our existence is oft dismissed, with humour, and an air of feigned omniscience. Yet *All That Is and Could Ever Be* remains a timeless enigma in this measured moment - the very ferment of love and life, just outside the grasp of intellectual analysis. Have we the humility to embrace the vastness of The Unknowable? (TREMENDUM) The imagination to be inspired by its uncertainty? (FASCINANS) When a fearless gaze into this well of darkness meets its rippling reflection, infinite possibilities shimmer, a universe of stars, potential metamorphoses invite us to become..."

FEATURED ARTISTS: Roku Sasaki Dean Fleming Carrie Ann Baade Otto Rapp Liba Stambollion Miguel Tio Crystal Barbre Patricia Ariel Jeff Mihalyo Meesha Goldberg Don Farrell Yvette Endrijautzki Bette Burgoyne William Fahey Marlene Seven Bremner Viandara

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by Yvette Endrijautzki

assemblage sculpture 2016

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