Happy first of May!
May the day bring us joy and bliss, and mark a new beginning....
...And it is a new beginning for the Nautilus, and we are excited to announce the first opening on May 10th!
The team, artist Yvette Endrijautzki and author Oliver Buchta are working hard to create this new platform in the heart of Wuppertal.
The new Nautilus, like the old in Seattle, will be hosting events, workshops, literature evenings, vernissages, and community events.
The Studio is also Yvette Endrijautzki's workshop, in the midst of Wuppertal's old town: the Luisenviertel, tucked in between restaurants, bars and few other galleries and boutiques. The Nautilus Studio will be presenting regional and international art and of course Yvette's own creations.
On May 10th in conjunction with the neighbourhood's event "Das Viertel Leuchtet", the Nautilus will introduce the whimsical and wondrous automatons by Martin Smida.

Born in Prag, the independent artists with academic background at the Art Academy Düsseldorf, isn't only specialised in painting, sculpture and statuary, but he also creates whimsical and astonishing little oddities.
Sometimes romantic industrial, sometimes humorous or solemn, sometimes jovially narrative, these little creatures have one thing in common: always minimalistic and ingenious, innovative and full of hope!
Partially casted, partially found and repurposed objects, his brilliant patinated machine-entities will be on board for the event "Das Viertel Leuchtet"
(The neighbourhood shines).

Along with some of his paintings and sketches, Martin's creations will be on display on
May 10th from 5pm to 10pm.
Also some of Yvette Endrijautzki's latest sculptures will be exhibited.
Come Join us on May 10th, 5 to 10pm, at the NEW Nautilus Studio,
Osterfelder Str. 6,
42103 Wuppertal
Here the event link on FB:
About the Nautilus Fundraiser :
The Nautilus premises are secured, the downpayment and insurance plan paid, and the first 4 pedestals built, but more necessary materials like track lights, window shutters, print rack, shelve units, promotion etc need to be taken care of.
That's why the team created the fundraiser, to simply help with all the extra costs incurred. The Nautilus is not a profit place, but an ever growing art and literature space for artists and the community to thrive in.
Of course, there is hope that the venue will eventually sustain itself.
Will you help to make the Nautilus Studio happen?
'Cause here is still lots to build, repair, fix and add, so any support is very welcome!
Many thanks ahead and especially to those who alrady supported so much!
And here a little thank you gift:
if you donate 100 Euro or more, you will receive an original Lithophane 3D Print as a replica of Yvette's "Mater Dei" Sculpture.

The 3D print is created by the 3D print company from Solingen, called EXCIT3D GmbH, specialized on 3D prints, augmented & virtual reality.
Yvette Endrijautzki's "Mater Dei", is her newest creation, build specially for the Biowoman art exhibit in Düsseldorf in March 2019.

Mater Dei is an assemblage sculpture, made from found objects, and will be on display at the Nautilus,
starting May 10th.
We hope to see you there!

Below is the fundraiser,
if you want to help us build the Nautilus...
Happy first May everyone!
The Nautilus Team
Link to the fundraiser: