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AutorenbildYvette Endrijautzki

Yvette Endrijautzki at WOGA

Aktualisiert: 12. Dez. 2019

The first WOGA was taking place in 2005. WOGA is an annual art event happening in the town of Wuppertal with over 200 Ateliers and Galleries participating. WOGA means: Wuppertaler offene Galerien und Ateliers!

(WOGA = Wuppertal open galleries and ateliers).

The 15th WOGA for Wuppertal West is happening on the 9th and 10th of November and we are proud to announce that the Nautilus Studio will be a part of it.!

For the WOGA exhibit 2019, Yvette Endrijautzki will present her newest sculptures and assemblages.

Together with EXCIT3D GmbH from Solingen, exquisite 3D prints of Yvette's original sculptures as well as augmented and virtual reality versions of her works will be demonstrated and on display.

The gallery will be open for the whole weekend and of course, libation and finger food will be provided :)

Come join us at Yvette's workshop and studio and see her newest creations on Saturday the 9th of November from 2pm to 8pm (14-20 Uhr) and

on Sunday the 10th of November from noon to 6pm (12-18Uhr)

(Original Mater Dei sculpture with a 3D print by EXCIT3D)


The Nautilus Studio

Osterfelder Str.6



(golden/orange Lithophane by EXCIT3D GmbH with LED Light, depicting Endrijautzki's sculpture Mater DEI )

(Yvette Endrijautzki's new assemblage sculpture in the making...)

Everyone is welcome!

Hope to see you there!

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